Effects, Animation, Lighting
World of Tanks
‘Holiday Ops’
‘Holiday Ops’
Santa's sleigh just got a major upgrade!
While working for Glassworks Amsterdam I had a great fun to design, create and execute some crazy visuals and effects for this action-packed trailer for the World of Tanks’ Holiday Ops event.
Toolkit: Houdini, Redshift, Nuke
Exploding reindeer
Smoke and explosionsIt was a crazy assignment for which I developed some simulations including fire, smoke and dust.
What's more, I've developed a method for plastic reindeer to explode and blowing up Vinnie Jones's big gift. All with help of Pyro and Vellum solvers in Houdini.
You can watch a full trailer on the official youtube channel or enjoy the short edit with my work down here︎︎
What's more, I've developed a method for plastic reindeer to explode and blowing up Vinnie Jones's big gift. All with help of Pyro and Vellum solvers in Houdini.
You can watch a full trailer on the official youtube channel or enjoy the short edit with my work down here︎︎